Lucknow Through the Lens of Bollywood
A lecture by Robin Sukhadia
Sunday, October 10, 2010
LACMA: Los Angeles County Museum of Art
2pm – Bing Theater
5905 Wilshire Blvd • Los Angeles California 90036
In advance of LACMA’s forthcoming exhibition India’s Fabled City: The Art of Courtly Lucknow (December 12, 2010–February 27, 2011), join us for a presentation on the culture of Lucknow in films produced by directors of Hindi and Bollywood Cinema from the 1960s to the present. The lecture will examine, through a range of film clips and live tabla performance, the musical heritage of Lucknow and the romanticized portrayal of the city’s courtesans, Muslim nobility, and colonial history. Robin Sukhadia is a tablaplayer who trained under Pandit Swapan Chaudhuri, a master of the Lucknow musical tradition. He regularly lectures on the history of Bollywood film and music.
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