Global Lingo Arrives at Disha, RCFC and Mentaid
The children at RCFC (Rehabilitation Clinic) in Kolkata spend up to 2 years undergoing intensive orthopedic surgery to straigten their legs. Last year, Project Ahimsa helped to build a dedicated music room for the children, where music therapists help them heal and express themselves.
Accompanying the children while they sang in the surgery ward was truly inspiring.
A closeup of a child’s prosthetic.
We all listened carefully to the RCFC track that closes the Global Lingo album. The kids loved to see and hear themselves on the album.
Instruments donated by Project Ahimsa at RCFC.
Children at Disha perform marvelously during our site visit.
The music teacher at RCFC, who has been coming to RCFC to teach and administer music therapy, smiles for the camera!