On Friday August 23, 2013, Machine Project presents the voices and films of Bollywood’s Golden Era. Film Music videos featuring Kishore, RD Burman, Rafi, Mukesh and more will be projected on the big screen, and then supplemented with live song performances, analysis, and historical/political insight by Rajen Sukhadia and Robin Sukhadia. All the mega stars will be given due attention. We promise gregarious song and dance, whimsical musical arrangements, gaudy colors, and extremely melodramatic love scenes…all of this, of course, without any kissing on screen. Bring the kids!
Friday – August 23, 2013
Machine Project| 8pm – 10pm
1200 D North Alvarado, Los Angeles, CA 90026 | 213-483-8761
Rajen Sukhadia has been studying classical North Indian music since the age of 11 starting with his first Guru, Sri Raghubhai Pahadwala. For the past 10 years, he has been focusing his study with Srimati Kumudani Rathore in Greensboro, North Carolina and is currently studying tabla accompaniment with Sri Gaurang Doshi in Winston Salem, NC. Rjen is a devoted music teacher himself, and currently teaches vocal and tabla accompaniment in the Greensboro/High Point/Winston Salem area through the Sangeet Anand Musical Arts School. His classical training informs his deep love of Bollywood film music.
Robin Sukhadia is a Machine Project fanatic. He was our Artist in Residence in 2008, giving birth to the legendary Tablacentric workshops that went on to be featured at the Hammer Museum and at LACMA. He earned an MFA in World Music/Tabla from CalArts in 2007, and recently returned from a Fulbright assignment in India. He is a tabla disciple of Maestro Swapan Chaudhuri. Learn more at