Gaiye Ganpati Jagvandan (Ganesh Stuti)


Gaiye Ganpati Jagvandan 

Please sing the praises of Lord Ganesh (Ganapati), who is worthy of being bowed to by the entire world.

Shankar suvan bhavani ke nandan

He is the son of Parvati and the brilliance of Lord Shiva.

Gaiye Ganpati Jagvandan

Please sing the praises of Ganapati, who is worthy of being bowed to by the entire world.

Siddhi sadana gaj vadana vinaayak

Kripa sindhu sundar sab layak

He is the embodiment of accomplishment with a handsome elephant face, the destroyer of obstacles and the repository of compassion. His services are useful for everyone.

Gaiye Ganpati Jagvandan

Please sing the praises of Ganapati, who is worthy of being bowed to by the entire world.

Modak priya mud mangal daata

This lover of sweets is the bestower of joy and auspiciousness. 

Vidya vaaridi mookti vidata

He is the bestower of intelligence and an ocean of skill and knowledge.

Gaiye Ganpati Jagvandan

Please sing the praises of Ganapati, who is worthy of being bowed to by the entire world.

Shankar suvan bhavani ke nandan 

He is the son of Parvati and the brilliance of Lord Shiva

Maangat tulsidas karjore 

Tulsidas, the composer, requests with arms held together.

Basehu Shiva Parvati mane morei

In supplication, I ask for Shiva and Parvati to reside in my mind forever.

Gaiye Ganpati Jagvandan

Please sing the praises of Ganapati, who is worthy of being bowed to by the entire world.

Shankar suvan bhavani ke nandan 

He is the son of Parvati and the brilliance of Lord Shiva